
Domain: Eukarya
        Phylum: Mollusca
            Class: Gastropoda
                Order: Stylommatophora

                    Family: Polygyridae
    Species: Inflectarius downieanus

Domain: Eukarya
Organisms that have eukaryotic cells, multicellular, and has cell division by mitosis (Domain Eukarya, 2012).

Organisms that are heterotrophic, has an internal cavity, and multicellular (Schoolworkerhelper 2010).

Phylum: Mollusca
Organisms that have bilateral symmetry, a soft body, and has three typical body parts (foot, visceral mass, and mantle) (Hickman Jr., 2009).

Class: Gastropoda
Organism that twist the visceral mass 180° called torsion and operculum that seals the entrance of their shell (Hickman Jr., 2009)

Order: Stylommatophora
Inflecaterius downieanus is place in the order Stylommatophora because they have eyes on top of their tentacles ( Animals/Wildlife, 2012).

Family: Polygyridae
Organisms that are found in eastern North America have no dart apparatus, jaws that are ribbed, and have between 26-35 haploid chromosomes (Polygyridae, 1895).

Genus: Inflectarius
Organisms that have a medium shell and are a tan brown color (Dourson, 2006). 

Species: Inflectarius downieanus
Common name: Dwarf globelet

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