
In reproduction, most snails are hermaphrodites, which means they have both male and female reproductive organs.  Inflectarius downieanus is a terrestrial snail, which means it is a hermaphrodite (Infoqis, 2012). In reproduction for the Inflectarius downieanus, copulation occurs through a period of courtship which can last for a very long time.  The average time for copulation is two hours.  When copulation is about to happen, the two snails who are undergoing copulation will creep around each other. Two of these species will come together and face in opposite direction to find each other's genital areas on the right side of their body (Wilbur, 1985).  During this period, the male will mount the female and place itself on the right side of the body of the female snail.  Upon exchanging genetic material, they will fertilize each other's eggs.  The snails then develop eggs that are fertilized.  When the eggs are fertilized, the snails lay them and bury them in a cool place so they can develop.  For land snails, this is under dirt for protection. (infoqis, 2012)

Snail laying eggs









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