The Iowa Darter can be found from New York west to Northeastern Alberta, East Montana, Southeast Wyoming and Northeast Colorado, and as far south as Ohio (Boschung Jr. et al.). The range of habitat is significant because this range is further north and west than any other Darter (Berra 2001). Within the habitat range of the Iowa Darter, it can be found in creeks and small to medium rivers. To easily find an Iowa Darter, one would have to look specifically at the bottom of quiet and clear waters of streams and lakes that contain plants growing from clay or sand at the bottom (Boschung Jr. et al.). The Iowa Darter does not have a swim bladder, which makes it sink to the bottom of its habitat, causing it being more commonly found at the bottom of the stream, lake, or river.
Permission to use this image of the Iowa Darter habitat has been given by John Lyons.
Permission to use this image of the Iowa Darter habitat has been given by John Lyons.
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