
 Margariscus margarita is an omnivore and is known to eat a assortment of organisms, but usually prefers a range of aquatic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton. They also feed on plant material, snails, small fish, worms, mollusks and insects (Pearl Dace, 2013; Cunningham, 2006; Werner 2004). Margariscus margarita have also been found to have detritus, algae, and diatoms in their stomachs (Bramblett, 2008). Some fish have even been found eating large beetles (Tallman, 1982). Spatial segregation has been observed during times of feeding, meaning that the older fish feed on the bottom in an area of water and the younger fish feed at the top. Cunningham (2006) also reported that the most common food that the pearl dace consumed was diptera larvae and adults. However, the diet of the pearl dace changes during different seasons. For example, aquatic macroinvertebrates are far more likely to be consumed during the winter months (Department of Environment and Conservation, 2013; Cunningham 2006). From May to September, Margariscus margarita tend to prey on terrestrial invertebrates, although older fish will prey more heavily on Diptera (Cunningham, 2006).

How does Margariscus margarita reproduce?
