When water temperatures fall between 17.2ºC and 18.3ºC during the spring time, Margariscus margarita begin to mate. At sexual maturity, the Pearl dace will reach approximately 9.4 cm in length (Cunningham, 2006). Mating of this species is known as spawning, which usually happens in sand or gravel in about 18-24 inches of water (Bramblett, 2004). Once a male declares a territory, usually a 200 meter wide area over a stream floor, they will push rival males away, but escort willing females into their territory (Cunningham, 2006).
The male will then use his caudal and pectoral fins to grab the female in a parallel manner. Once connected, the pair will begin to vibrate. This act will only continue for about two seconds, and will be repeated multiple times, with multiple male partners (Department of Enviorment and Conservation, 2013). A female can contain up to 4,240 eggs at one time! The impregnated female will then lay her eggs on rocks and pebbles in order for the larvae to develop. The eggs will have no parental protection or care all through development to adult age (Cunningham, 2006). Margariscus margarita are usually sexually mature after approximately two years (Pearl Dace, 2013).
How do Pearl Dace interact with other species?