Lethocerus americanus is commonly found in North America. It normally lives in ponds and shallow margins of lakes containing submerged or emergent vegetation. It also lives in slow moving rivers and streams.
In Wisconsin, L. americanus can be found in deep marsh and lakes. Deep marshes are defined as marshes that have water between six inches and three feet deep. It is composed of plant species that emerge above the water with floating leaves, those that attached to the bootom that stay submerged, and those that are in between.
Here are some pictures of Myrick Park Marsh in La Crosse, Wisconsin. They are taken with negative films.
Myrick Park Marsh, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Some plant that grew by the marsh
My bike and the marsh
Besides, a place to live, deep marshes also provide many fish and frog species for L. americanus to feed on.
Click here to see what L. americanus's like for dinner.