Helping to stop the spread of VHS is an ongoing effort. It requires the co-operation of governments on a local, state, national, and international level. It also requires the help of researchers, as well as everyday ordinary people. The following are steps that are being taken by government agencies, as well as steps that anyone can follow to prevent the spread of VHS.
Government Agencies currently are:
- Making sure that any boat entering uncontaminated waters from somewhere else is disinfected before use.
- Not allowing water exchange from boats or other vehicles dealing with water in multiple regions.
- Getting the word out to educate the public on the dangers of VHS.
- Putting into place regulations that make sure transport of fish and fish eggs is properly documented and inspected before transfer.
- Performing diagnostic tests and documenting the spread of VHS throughout the region.
- Researching solutions to this viral problem.
Things that Anyone can do:
- Make sure that boats are cleaned off before and after they enter the water, even if the plan is to use the boat in the same lake or water system.
- Report any mass of fish deaths or strange behavior to local park or government authorities. Look for the signs of VHS.
- Allow boats and other equipment to fully dry for about four to six hours.
- Do not release live bait into the water, and make sure bait sources are not from VHS infected zones.
- If bait was caught in a certain water body, use it only in that water body.
- Help educate others on the risks and dangers of VHS.
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