This virus has numerous interactions with multiple species,
both in a direct and indirect sense.
Directly (and most apparently), the virus has a parasitic relationship with the fish hosts that it infects. The virus uses the cells of the host to reproduce, and leaves the host with massive necrosis, as well as hemorrhaging, swelling, and a reduced ability to survive if it does not die.
A bass infected with VHS.
The virus also interacts with fish that are not susceptible to
the virus by using them as carriers. Often times, the virus will
reside in fish that it cannot harm easily, and the fish will
thus simply carry the virus to other fish populations. This can
help to spread the disease on a wider scale, since the host does
not suffer or die when infected, and can thus travel further.
This also affects other species indirectly. Though the virus can
only infect fish, other species in the area that feed on those
fish also suffer when their food supply drops. This, in turn,
hurts the predators of these organisms, and the cycle continues.
A loss in one population can result in a loss for other
interconnected organisms in their food web.
Humans have also been affected by the disease. Fish farms and
fishermen that work in areas of VHS infections see dwindling
fish supply, which effects their income. If a fish hatchery
becomes infected, sometimes it is necessary to clear out an
entire crop of fish simply to rid the facility of the disease.
This can be extremely costly for the business, especially since
the money that was put into raising the fish is all lost.
Many recreational fishermen have also had to take greater
caution when selecting their bait, so as to not infect further
water systems. Use of infected fish bait can have dire
consequences for the surrounding ecosystem if the virus infects
the fish population.
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