Photo of a Trillium used with permission from Thomas G. Barnes @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database at


Domain- Eukarea

Kingdom- Plantae

Phylum- Anthophyta

Class- Liliopsida

Order- Liliales

Family- Liliaceae

Genus- Trillium

Species- Trillium grandiflorum


Diagram of eukaryotic plant cell used with permission from

Domain-Eukarea:  Members have a true nucleus, cytoskeleton, and other membrane bound organelles.  The nucleus contains the DNA of the cell within a double membrane. 



Botanical Society of America logo used with permission from http://botany.orgKingdom-Plantae: Members are autotrophic (photoautotrophic) meaning it gets it's energy from the sun.  Cells within the organism have cell walls made out of cellulose and many contain chloroplasts containing chlorophyll.  In addition they use alternation of generations as their reproductive cycle.


photo of a magnolia used with permission from


Phylum-Anthopyta: Members are an angiosperms, they have a sporophyte as dominant part of life cyle, covered seeds, and produce a true fruit.



photo of an aloe vera plant used with permission from Class-Liliopsida: contains nearly 60,000 species of angiosperms including aloe vera, calla lily, moth orchid, barley and the banana. Members are monocots meaning they have a single embryonic leaf also called a cotyledon in the seed, veins in the leaves usually running parallel, and flower parts usually in multiples of three.   


Order-Liliales: Members are mostly perennial plants with storage underground.



 photo of a yellow tiger lily used with permission from the Ringwood Woman's club from

 Family-Liliaceae: contains almost 280 genera and 4,000 species. Members are perennial and have underground storage in the form of bulbs or rhisomes.


Photo of a purple trillium used with permission from


Genus-Trillium: Members have bisexual flowers, fruit in from of a berry, and leaves that are in whorls around stem.


Photo of a trillium used with permission from Thomas G. Barnes @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database 

Species-Trillium grandiflorum: Only one member that has a singular, large, white, flower erect on top of stem.


 The scientific name Trillium grandiflorum can be broken up to form an English meaning.  Trillium- Tri meaning three in reference to the flower parts in threes; three petals, three sepals, three leaves per whorl around the stem.  grandiflorum- grand meaning large or the largest and florum meaning flower; in reference to this species having the largest flower of all of the flowers in the trillium genus. 

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