

File:Green frog 440.jpg

Rana clamitans reproduces sexually.  However, the breeding sites and common living places are different.  Generally speaking the males go to the breeding sites first so they can "stake their claim" on the best breeding land.  Then they start croaking at an enormous volume to call for mates.  The females then come to the breeding sites to mate and then leave.  Overall the females spend very little time at the breeding sites.

Breeding for green frogs requires a different site, warm days, and water.  The mating season is usually late spring or summer.  This depends on local climate and temperatures of that years season.

After reproduction, the females lay the eggs and eventually tadpoles hatch.  They then grow and go through metamorphosis to become adult green frogs.

One of the really cool things about green frogs is that they start out as tadpoles before they become adult frogs.  Tadpoles have a head, torso, and a long tail; they don't have any legs or feet.  Through metamorphosis, the tadpoles lose their tails altogether, grow limbs and feet, gain a more distinct head and body, and develop a more complex digestive system.  The two forms of the organism are completely different morphologically and developmentally.


See adaptations of the green frog HERE