
Being a parasite, Dipylidium caninum benefits from its hosts in which it harms. The scolex of Dipylidium caninum will attach to the small intestines of a vertebrate host to feed off of and cause some unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea to persist for the host.

Humans are effected by Dipylidium caninum in various ways. First, if they're a pet owner, their pet such as a cat or dog could become infected with Dipylidium caninum thus the owner would need to attend to treating their pet. Also, although rare, humans are capable of acquiring the disease themselves. Usually more present in children, humans could ingest an infected flea from their pet dog or cat.



  • fleas on your pet and their environment

  • Get your dog and/or cat treated promptly by your veterinarian if they have a tapeworm

  • Clean up after your pets especially at playgrounds and public parks; bury feces or put in a bag and throw away.

  • Number one way to avoid infection: Wash your hands!


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