Hello! My name is Jordan Carter Arndt, and I'm currently a freshman at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. I am majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and have plans to graduate in 2014. After getting my undergrad, I plan to continue my schooling by either going into the medical field or by getting my masters in biology. Outside of school I love to spend time with friends, exercise, or sail when the weather is accepting.
The creation of this web page is part of a school project in my Organismal Biology class during the spring of 2011. I chose the Tiger Flatworm because of the appeal everything marine related presents to me. From the first time typing the name of the organism into Google, I was enthralled with their beautiful colors and amazing videos. Also, the fact that there wasn't even a Wikipedia page made me even more curious to find out more about this organism.
I hope you enjoyed reading about Maritigrella crozieri and learned something new in the process. If you'd like to continue gathering information about them, please check out other peoples work by clicking on the references. Also, don't stop here, there are plenty of other amazing species to explore at MultipleOrganisms.netthat are made by my fellow classmates every semester. :)