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        Unlike most invertebrate’s larvae, the Tiger Flatworm larvae are phototactic! That means that they are insensitive to different light frequencies and can survive even under difficult light related conditions! However, this changes as the Maritigrella crozieri matures in age.

        The regeneration of Maritigrella crozieri occurs very quickly. Often, individuals are completely regenerated after approximately ten days. After fission, wounds can begin to heal in a s quickly as 15 minutes.

        When the individual divides into two or more parts, either on its own accord or due to predator iteration, it can regenerate the lost part. If a substantial amount of each part remains undamaged, more than one organism can grow back.

        The body color of the organism can be; white, green, or even orange due to chemical compounds absorbed from eating ascidians.

        Many times the Tiger Flatworm is confused with the Pseudocerotid. They have similar shapes and even some with similar coloration. They are both also found in tropical climates!