Basic Information and Taxonomy

Streptomyces griseus itself without context would not meant a whole lot to most people.  So first of all, in English "streptomyces" means aeorbic bacteria and "griseus" means the color grey.  Putting these together gives us a simple image of what the species of bacteria now looks like.

We can now work our way up through the taxonomy itself to allow the complete understanding of where this bacteria exists according to everything else.  For starters, the genus is already in the name itself, Streptomyces. Under this category it can be inferred that these bacteria are aeorbic; as stated above.

From this we move up into the family level, which in the case of this particular species, is Streptomycetaceae.  This broadens the spectrum of bacteria further by including all bacteria who form structures similar to the unrelated vegetative mycelia found in fungi. Finally, most bacteria under this family are found in soil.

Actinomycetales is the order from which these families then stem from.  Bacteria under this order are gram positive and are often differentiated by the mass creation of natural metabolic products to further their ends; streptomycin for instance.

The phylum that Streptomyces griseus belongs to is the Actinobacteria.  This vast grouping of bacteria contains all gram positive bacteria and contains a "large amount of guanine-cytosine linkages in their genetic material," (Johnston, 2003).  Another example of this would be Salinispora tropica.

Outside of this there is the kingdom of Bacteria.  This includes both gram positive and negative bacteria along with all the different kinds of bacteria from cyanobacteria to parasitc organisms.

Last but by no means least is the vast overarching domain of Prokaryotes.  This includes all organisms that do not have a true nucleus and lack membrane bound organelles among other things.

This picture shows a very small amount of the variation that is possible just among bacteria!

(Provided by NASA)

Next we'll go through some more visual examples of the taxonomy we witnessed here to put an image to the information you just obtained:

Phylogenetic Trees