
Seahorses are amazing creatures and are well suited for their environment. They have numerous body parts which give them the ability to live in the ocean, hide from prey, as well as other vital parts that give them the chance to survive in the vast ocean.

Pectoral Fin: 1
The pectoral fins are located on either side of a seahorse's body, right below the gill opening. The seahorse flaps the fins back and forth in order to move, steer, and for stability.

Coronet: 2
The coronet is a bony projection found on the top of the seahorses head. Depending on how thick and how high the coronet is, it can help identify the species of seahorse. It is believed that coronets are similar to human fingerprints, and each seahorse has a unique coronet.

Turreted Eyes: 3
Seahorses have two eyes which have the ability to move in different directions. Their magnificent eyes allows the seahorse to find more food as well as watch out for predators.
Snout: 4
The long snout of a seahorse is an adaption used for foraging for food. The snout is similar to a straw and sucks up the seahorses food, such as zooplankton. Because of their snout is so long, only a small turn of the head is necessary to reach prey faster. With this ability seahorses can get more food.

Brood Pouch: 5
The brood pouch is only found on the male seahorse. It is located underneath the anal fin, and is used to incubate the eggs from a female seahorse.

Anal Fin: 6
The anal fin is found at the body of a seahorse's abdomen.  This fin helps stabilize the seahorse. In males, scientist believe it may assist in the reproduction process.

Dorsal Fin: 7
This fin is located along the midline of the seahorses back. Since the body of a seahorse is vertical, the fin extends directly behind the body. Seahorses aren't very fast swimmer, so the dorsal fin powers through waves that pass along it.  

Prehensile Tail: 8
Seahorses lack a tail fin so they are dependent on on their prehensile tail. Prehensile meaning it has the ability to hold on to rocks, corals or other objects and allows the seahorse to be anchored in one position. Seahorses use their tails in a number of different ways, such as in their mating rituals.

Gas Bladder: 9
The swim bladder, an internal gas-filled organ, found in seahorse allows the seahorse to control its ability to move up and down. This is a great adaption so the seahorse does not waste a lot of energy swimming.

Gills: 10
Gills are the respiratory organ found in seahorses. Gills extract dissolved oxygen from the water, and then excrete carbon dioxide back into the water. Gills are adaptations for the seahorse because create more surface area . More surface area means more oxygen and less waste.

Protective Plates: 11
Seahorses have bony plates which are located under their skin, much like a suit of amour. These plates are an adaption ,allowing protection for the seahorse against predators.

Seahorses also have the ability to change colors. They can change colors for multiple reasons, such as during their court dance with a mate or possibly to hide from a predator. With the seahorse's ability to camouflage, it makes hiding from a predator much easier. This adaption is a great survival tool.

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