Adaptation and Control

    The key feature to adaptation for Lucilia sericata are their wings. The wings are attached to the mesothorax. Flies can range many miles for breeding places. There are some factors that can influence how far, where, and the distance of a fly’s flight! The wind surprisingly does not determine the dispersal of Lucilia sericata. They do however follow the chemical cues of carrion odors and have been found to be more active at higher light intensities. Temperature also influences the flight of Lucilia sericata. The distance of flight decreases between 15°C and 30°C. It is also a possibility that barometric changes may cause flight activity to increase right before a storm.
    The head of Lucilia sericata can also assist in adaptation. The eyes and antennae are very important sensory organs for flies. A blow fly will have a large pair of compound eyes, one eye is on each side of the head. The antennae can help the fly to detect wind and odor.
    Flies also have a structure found on the metathoroax in place of the hindwings called halteres. This stucture assists the fly with balance.
    Lucilia sericata
will have three pairs of legs and at the tip of each leg there will be a tiny pair of claws with pulvilli. The pulvilli help the fly to stick to surfaces.


    Lucilia sericata can be a nuisance in and around your household. Physical control methods should be used at first to get rid of a fly in a certain area, fly swatters are commonly used for physical control of flies. Having good sanitation and proper hygiene is the key to reducing the population of Lucilia sericata in and around your household. This is because many unsanitary places are prime places for this fly to reproduce. There are other devices that can be used to eliminate of Lucilia sericata that include glue boards, electric fly zappers, and fly bottles.
    Flies have also been associated with food-borne diseases. The contamination with maggots usually occurs before the time of retail or during consumer purchase and preparation. The way that food is prepared can kill the eggs or larvae of maggots and decrease the risk of the consumer catching intestinal myiasis. The most common methods of food preparation include baking, frying, boiling, and microwaving. An example of this would be if you were cooking raw beef, which comes from a cow. At the point of purchasing the beef to cooking it there is a possibility that eggs or larvae could have contaminated the meat. Proper food preparation should kill all of the Lucilia sericata eggs and larvae. This is why it is important to follow proper cooking instructions to insure that you are eating a safe meal!

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