
The Life History:
    The Life cycle of Lucilia sericata consists of four stages that include adult, egg, larva, and pupa.  Each female can lay 2000-3000 eggs in 9-10 batches within only 3 weeks! The amount of eggs that a female can develop depends greatly on the temperature. Eggs are usually laid on cavities and crevices of moist decaying organisms. Lucilia sericata like to lay their eggs in an area that is usually exposed to light. Check out this Youtube video of a fly laying eggs!
     Maggots then hatch from the eggs and attach themselves to an organism that it is on. After about 4-9 days the maggots are done with development. The maggots will then go into a pre-pupa stage where they will burrow themselves into soil and then pupate into a pupa. In this stage, the maggot is encompassed in a hardened shell where it will molt and gain wings. They are motionless, do not eat, and cannot protect themselves. An average pupa stage will last about 7 days. Some flies can stay in the pupa stage for up to 115 days because of low soil temperatures.
    Adult flies will then escape from their pupa and journey above the surface of the soil. Take a look at this Youtube video of flies emerging from the pupa! At first the fly will be soft and not contain its bright green color. It will take the body of the fly 48 hours to harden, which it will then display, color and finally have fully functional wings. Mating activity will then occur anywhere from 3-8 days after emergence. Then the life cycle will start all over again!

Now we will see how Lucilia sericata has interactions with other organisms.