American Mountain Ash


Domain:  Eukaryote   

Eukaryotes contain a nucleus, cytoskeleton, membrane bound organelles, and a nuclear envelope with two membranes. 

Kingdom:  Plants         

Plants exhibit alternation of generations and contain apical meristems and walled spores.  For examples of other plants, check out the pages on the Chocolate Tree, Lemongrass, Opium Poppy, Castor Bean, and Purple Cone Flower!  

Phylum:  Anthophyta  

Anthophyta is a phylum comprised of flowering plants.  Below is a phylogenetic tree showing where Anthophyta is in relation to other plant phyla.


Class:  Magnoliopsida   

Magnoliopsida is also known as dicotyldedon.  It contains net-veined leaves and vascular bundles borne in a ring enclosing a pitch.  More examples of plants included in the Magnoliopsida are the Stinging Nettles, Tobacco, Peppermint, Black Pepper, and Stonebreaker.  

Order:  Rosales          

Rosales are generally woody plants that are small to medium sized trees.

Family:  Rosaceae   

This family is found mainly in the north temperate regions of the world, and is generally found as a perennial. Below is another phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between Rosaceae and other families in the order Rosales.


Genus:  Sorbus

Species:  Sorbus americana

Sorbus americana comes from the Latin name Sorbus domestica, also known as “Service Tree”.  It gets the common name American Mountain Ash from its North American distribution and the similarity of its leaves to the original Ash.   (American Mountain Ash, 2006.) In folklore, American Mountain Ash is sometimes referenced as the "Rowan tree".  People of The British Isles generally thought the rowans had properties that were magical.  The rowan "was the tree most often credited with protective magical powers against all effects of witchcraft, not merely in Celtic areas but throughout Britain.--Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore"   (American Mountain Ash- Sorbus americana, 2012.)  Other common names that you may have heard American Mountain Ash called: Roundwood, Dogberry, or Small Fruited Mountain Ash.  (American Mountain Ash, 2006.)



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