American Mountain Ash


American Mountain Ash is native to the Northern Hemisphere, and can especially be found in Northeastern North America.  (Index of Species Information, 1992.)  It is generally found at higher elevations.  It is winter hardy, so the bright orange berries add to the white, snowy landscape during winter.  It is frequently found in moist habitats, near swamps or on rocky hillsides.  Often, it isn't very abundant in old growth spruce-fir communities. (American Mountain Ash, 2006.) American Mountain Ash is found in dryer soils, however, its growth is stunted.  It is also commonly found in openings or scattered alongside the edges of the woods or roads.  The American Mountain Ash is very dependent on full sunlight and is not able to tolerate shade as well.    Therefore, it isn’t commonly found in the middle of the woods amongst other trees.  It generally grows best at a soil pH of 4.7 to 6.0.  (American Mountain Ash, 2006.)  Recently, American Mountain Ash has been used quite frequently in the cities for landscaping because of the resistance it has to smog related pollution.  (Nature Hills Nursery, 2012.)  If planted close enough together, this species can hybridize with black chokeberry or with the purple chokeberry.  (Index of Species Information, 1992.)


The photograph to the right is showing (in green) the range of American Mountain Ash in North America.



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