BIO 203


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Ohta, S. 1985. Photographic observations of the swimming behavior of the deep-sea pelagothurid holothurian Enypniastes. Journal of the oceanographical society of Japan. 41:121-133.

Pawson, D.L. 1982.Holothuroidea. In Parker, S.P. Synopsis and classification of living organisms, vol 2: 813-818.

Robinson, BH. 1992. Bioluminescence in the benthpelagic holothurian Enypniastes eximia. Journal of the marine biological association of the United Kingdom. 72:463-472.

Solis-marin, F. Alonso, Y. Hooker and A. Laguarda-figueras. 1882. First record
of the swimming sea cucumber Enypniastes eximia in Peruvian waters.

The Serpent project <> accessed 15 November 2013.

Tree of Life Web Project
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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.<> Accessed 3 December 2013.

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