"Terror of the Deep"

Chauliodus sloani: "Sloan's Viperfish"

Permission received by: Joe
Trumpey, University of
Michigan, Copyright 1995

Chauliodus sloani is an incredible organism that can be considered one of the fiercest predators of the deep sea. Little is known about it, for it inhabits some of the deepest parts of the ocean, often 9,000 feet below the surface. What is known about Sloan’s Viperfish, however, is extremely interesting, and that is why I chose to research the organism.

Domain Eukarya: organisms with cells in which genetic material is organized into a membrane-bound nucleus. Eukaryotic cells also have other membrane-bound organelles.

Kingdom Animalia: organisms that are multicellular, responsive to their outside environment, and are heterotrophic. These organisms are separated from plants because their cells lack cell walls.

Phylum Chordata: organisms that at some point in development have the following: a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, an endostyle, and a tail extending past the anus.

Permission received by: Robert Patzner
Environmental Literacy Council
Copyright 2002

Class Actinopterygii: organisms known as the “ray-finned” fishes. Separated from the lobe-finned fishes because the fins are not fleshy and contain small bones that attach directly to the skeleton.

Order Stomliformes: organisms known as deep-sea, ray-finned fishes with teeth on both the upper and lower jaw. Most of the Stomliformes have large mouths that extend far past the eyes, and are often brown or black in color.

Family Chauliodontidae: barbelled fish and loose jaws. Have bioluminescent organs known as photophores

Genus Chauliodus: lack scales, but have pigmented hexagonal areas on the body. Members in this genus usually grow from 30-60 centimeters in length.

Species Chauliodus sloani: can be distinguished from others from the order Stomiidae by its rayed dorsal fin, which is much farther forward on the body

Valerie Cummisford
April 27,2007
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse