If you want to see a Venus Fly Trap get its groove on,
check out this awesome clip.
Feed Me
Making the Menu
Since the
Dionaea muscipula is immotile, it must develop a way to attract its
lunch. One such aspect is the red coloration that intensifies from
the sun. The more rays they catch, the more appealing they are to
insects. Another attractive quality is found in the glands of the
trap. The adaxial surface of of each trap consists of two kinds of
The first type is the alluring gland (shown directly below).
These glands are colorless and are imbedded within the epidermis.
Located on the outer margins of the trap, these glands produce a sugar
with an appealing odor. These glands are 1/4 of a inch from the
trigger hairs. This distance is important for the conservation of
energy. While an insect is consuming sugar, it activates the
trigger hairs if they are longer than 1/4 of a inch in length. The
trap knows that it is large enough to receive sufficient
nutrients, so the trap closes. Any insect smaller than 1/4 of a
inch will not activate the plant to close. By having this feature,
the plant will not expend energy on a wasteful prey.
Photo - Carnivorous Plant Dionaea by Makoto Honda
The second type is the digestive gland. These
glands give the plant the red coloration because anthocyanin is present
in their cells. Anthocyanin is a water soluble pigment located in
cell fluid. These cells are much larger and stand out prominently.
(The photo directly below shows these digestive glands).
Photo - Carnivorous Plant Dionaea by Makoto Honda
Closing Time
The Dionaea muscipula is known from its
characteristic trapping mechanism. In order for the trap to close
completely and consume its prey, it must go through four different
phases. To see the whole process take action, check out this
amazing clip to see nature at its finest.
Venus Fly Trap Takes The Stage
The open phase acts as the appealer because of its red
coloration and production of a sugary substance. In this
phase, the adaxial surface of the trap possesses a convex curvature
while its marginal spines are directed inwardly. The abaxial
surface has a concave curvature (photo shown below).
Photo - Carnivorous Plant Dionaea by Makoto Honda
The shutting phase is the initial closing of the trap,
in which the marginal spines loosely interlock. This closing can
take less than a second to occur. The spines form a cage and
remains in this position for the duration of 30 minutes (shown below).
This point is critical for the conservation of energy. Small
insects have the ability to escape between the spines and saves the trap
from wasting energy on a small insect. However, if the insect
continues to touch the trigger hairs, the trap will continue to the
narrowing phase.
Photo - Carnivorous Plant Dionaea by Makoto Honda
The narrowing phase is the closing of the two lobes until
they are flattened against each other, with the exception of a small
area near the midrib. Nitrogenous bodies cause the flattening of
the lobes.
(Shown below)