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Boyd, Robert F. “Mycobacteria.” Basic Medical Microbiology. 5th ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1995.

Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary. 30th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2003.

Garrity, George M., ed. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.  2nd ed. Vol. 1. New York: Springer, 2001.

Jensen, Paul A., Lauren A. Lambert, Michael F. Iademarco, and Renee Ridzon. “Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005.” MMWR Recomm. Rep. 30 December 2005; 54 (RR17): 1-141.

Mostowy, Serge, Debby Cousins, Jacqui Brinkman, Alicia Aranaz, and Marcel A. Behr. “Genomic Deletions Suggest a Phylogeny for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex.” The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 186 (2002): 74-80.

“Phylogeny and Protein Signatures for Actinobacteria (High G + C Gram-Positive Bacteria).” Bacterial (Prokaryotic) Phylogeny Webpage. March 2006. 10 April 2007. <http://www.bacterialphylogeny.com/group_specific/actinobacteria.htm>.

Russell, David G. “Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Here Today, and Here Tomorrow.” Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 2 (2001): 569-77.

Salyers, Abigail A. and Dixie D. Whitt. “The Lung, a Vital but Vulnerable Organ.” Microbiology: Diversity, Disease, and the Environment. Bethesda, Maryland: Fitzgerald Science Press, 2001.

Samson, P. Glossary of Bacteriological Terms. London: Butterworths, 1975.

United States. Depart. of Health and Human Services. Tuberculosis: Get the Facts. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Prevention Services, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, n.d.

*Note:  All images are cited within the mouse-over captions in addition to being hyperlinked back to the original source.  For those images cited "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://phil.cdc.gov/phil/quicksearch.asp" the web address takes one to the main search page.  To view the results of my search, type in "Mycobacterium tuberculosis" or "tuberculosis" as the search query.