Streptomyces platensis
When a bacterium helps humans to fight
against other bacteria!
13. The end or beginning of every thing
14. Important stage of the life cycle
15. What bacteria don’t need to find
16. Specific shape of this bacteria
17. Its mirror
18. What you will be after reading about this bacterium
19. Important country for sciences in 2 letters
20. Why should we care about this bacterium
21. What dead plants are for streptomyces platensis
22. It is be a matter of … before my slime mold dies
23. Used to get nutrition
24. Science
25. It always go back to the begining
1. Related to the concentration of H+
2. Undirect link among fungi and this bacteria
3. Kind of acid
4. Formation of antibiotic
5. Yes in French
6. Characteristic of Streptomyces platensis
7. Just before the formation of the aerial mycelium
8. The bacterium’s … is composed of carbon and nitrogen, yummy
9. Can have its action limited thanks to Streptomyces platensis in 6 letters
10. What bacteria can’t do because of lack of a brain
11. Animal with the same shape but way bigger
12. Best habitat