This site
has been developed to give any viewer a better understanding of
this very unique and interesting animal, Ancylostoma
duodenale. This is one the the parasitic hookworms that
affects people all across the world, over 1.3 billion! This site
is associated with a multitude of others originating at
Here are some interesting facts about
Ancylostoma duodenale:
-Hookworm infection has been associated with decreased body
temp. during cases of malaria.
-During a females adult life, she will lay between 10,000 and
30,000 eggs per day!
-Hookworms have a anticoagulant like secretion to keep you
bleeding once they bite a blood vessel!
-There are an estimated 44 million pregnant women that are
infected world wide!
-Lucky for us, hookworm infections are treatable!
Click to check out some other awesome creatures!
The heartworm
eating bacteria
pelecanoides: Gulper Eel