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An actual "Partridge Family"

Many partridges live in Chukar with Chick by Neloy Banerjee

coveys which are small flocks made up of mainly family.  The chukar, however, fuse conveys with other chukars to form larger flocks.  These flocks can contain anywhere from ten to forty birds.  As a whole, partridges are highly gregarious and yet monogamous. 


Chukars prefer to roost on the ground usually in the open or around rocks.  In the spring, birds pair off.  When the eggs are laid (usually beginning mid-April and lasting until the first of May), commonly in a hollow near a rock or bush, the male chukars part their ways from the females and go off to form their own groups with other males.  The females stay and incubate these creamy, brown-speckled eggs for about twenty-two days.  Hens will often lay forty or more eggs a season.  Later, after the eggs hatch, the males return to help care for the young chicks.  Unlike some birds who are on their own from birth, chukar chicks like those of the black neck swan, depend on their parents for warmth, protection, and food.