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Interactions with Other Species

Many have adapted well to extensive agriculture and have become common in farmlands in both North America and Europe.  There, they commonly interact with cows, goats, chickens, donkeys, pigs, and other farm animals.  However, in Europe, modern farmingChukar on Rock by Bill Matson practices with the use of pesticides and herbicides have caused a steady decline in the number of chukar partridges in recent years.


Other organisms that share in this grassland habitat include coyotes, sage-grouse, and mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus (WNV).  Therefore, chukars are occasionally hosts to WNV.  Once infected, they develop viremia which means that the virus is now present in their blood and ready for more mosquitoes to come and pick up with this virus and pass it on.


When it comes to chukars in the food chain, they aren’t highly sought after by many predatory animals.  Though they may be chosen for a meal here and there by a fox, they aren’t the first choice.  These predators find other, more appealing animals as their main food source.


The only consistent predators they have are humans.  When the chukar was originally introduced in California in 1932, it was meant for hunting.  Their quality meat yields close to sixteen ounces of the best all-white meat on the market.  Hunters call them the most “sporty” and a difficult high ground game bird to bag.