
English Ivy's main interaction with other plants is the tree.  With no preference to what kind of tree it is, the ivy will climb to the top in order to be close to the sunlight.  After intense growth, the ivy eventually reaches a point where it blocks the tree's light completely.  The tree is then weakened, and there is a tendency for trees in this physical state to easily blow down during times of high precipitation and winds.  Hedera helix has the same effect on plants that it covers when it spreads across the ground.  Most of the time, plants present on the ground are eliminated, including a variety of flowers and grasses.

There are a few insects and fungi that interact with the ivy as well.  Some English Ivy houses the Bacterial Leaf Scorch, which is a plant pathogen that is destructive toVirginia Tech Department of Forestry trees.  The most commonly effected trees are Oaks, Maples, and Elms.  Although few pests or diseases affect the ivy, there are some sap sucking scale insects that feed on the waxy surface of the leaves and the adhering substance inside the stem, causing the destruction of the plant.  Leaves of the ivy are sometimes infected with fungal diseases that cause spots to develop on the leaves before they turn yellow and fIvy in the place of grassall off.  Because the ivy can quickly regenerate the damaged leaves, however, this fungus is not a large threat.

                                                                                  Virginia Tech Department of Forestry

Humans have a large interaction with English Ivy.  Many times humans plant the ivy in areas where it is difficult to grow grass because the ivy can tolerate a larger variety of soils and it is very low maintenance.  In places where English Ivy is grown, erosion is less common, so people often plant the ivy on hills and in areas that are more susceptible to  land slides.  Decoration is a common use for the ivy.  It is often hung on doors or patios after it has been woven through wire grids with moss and sometimes flowers.  Hedera helix is also present in some medications that are used to treat diseases such as gout, whooping cough, and bronchitis.  Melting the twigs in hot oil is also know to be a soothing mechanism for sunburn.

Cedar Waxwing

Hedera helix aVirginia Tech Department of Forestrylso affects other mammals and birds.  Leaves of the plant are very poisonous and causes toxicosis if ingested.  Symptoms include upset stomach, diarrhea, hyperactivity, breathing difficulty, coma, fever, muscular weakness, and lack of coordination.  Without birds, English Ivy would not be able to complete its life cycle because seeds would not be transferred to different areas.  The seeds also affect birds if too many are ingested because the berries are poisonous, as well.
