
 The almond has an interesting tie to biblical times.  Reference is made to the almond, numerous times, throughout the pages of The Bible.  Almond branches bloom prematurely, when placed in water, therefore Hebrews looked at the almond tree as a sign ofStatue of Aristotle and Phyllis taken at museum.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/wallyg/2109314667/sizes/l/ haste, due to its sudden blooming. The book of Numbers 17:8 references where the Hebrews came to this belief and supports the reference to the speed to which the plant sprouts.  Greek mythology also references the almond.  Queen Phyllis, who died of grief, was transformed into an almond tree.  The almond is substantially documented in history, but the question remains - in actuality, where did the almond tree originate and how did it come about. 

As previously learned on the habitat page, almond trees can be found in temperate, desert climates.  Around 716 A.D. almonds were introduced to Europe .  They were very popular there and were commonly used for cooking Almond orchard.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/zarwan/404047165/sizes/o/due to the inexpensiveness of them.  In Southern Europe almonds came to symbolize good luck and were commonly given and used at weddings. 

Almonds originated in Western Asia and eventually spread to the Mediterranean, North Africa, Spain, Portugal, and France by crusaders and through conquests.  The first tracing of almonds were brought to North America from the Spanish missionaries in California.  Today in California the almond is now one of the most important crops in terms of acreage, money value, and world distribution. 

Key aspect to almonds living long enough to make history, nutrition!