
Almond tree blossoms.

Domain:  Eukarya
Kingdom:  Plantae
Phylum:  Magnoliophyta
Class:  Magnoliopsida
Order:  Rosales
Family:  Rosaceae
Genus:  Prunus
Species:  Prunus dulcis

Classification standards for Prunus dulcis:
Eukarya-  multicellular and contains a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles
Plantae-  photosynthetic, contains a cell wall made of cellulose, and reproduces sexually through alternation of generations
Magnoliophyta-  angiosperm, vascular, contains seeds, and is sporophyte dominant in reproduction
Magnoliopsida-  dicotyledon(dicot) and contains net-veined leaves, 3 pollen holes, secondary growth, vascular bundles in a ring shape, and flowers that grow in 4's or 5'sAlmond fruit.
Rosales-  dicot, flowering plant that typically contains an edible fruit 
Rosaceae-   generally a woody-plant, contains alternate leaves with stipules at the base of leaf stalks, hermaphroditic flowers pollinated by insects, and a fruit
Prunus-  contains showy, bright colored flowers, needs well-drained soil, and can sometimes have fruit and foliage that are toxic
Prunus dulcis Prunus dulcis is a tree that grows to a medium height between 12-14 feet.  The tree contains hermaphroditic flowers which reproduce through pollination by insects.  Prunus dulcis creates a fruit, the almond, which consists of an edible seed in a shell that is enclosed by a hull. 

 General phylogenetic tree of Prunus dulcis.  Created by Jennifer Stepaniak     Specific phylgentic tree for Prunus dulcis.  Created by Jennifer Stepaniak

Click on the above images to view a general phylogenic tree of Prunus dulcis and then a more specific phylogeny of the tree.  Prunus dulcis is most closely related to the peach, plum, and apricot.  They all belong to the genus Prunus and have fruiting bodies on their trees.  The fruit of peach, plum, apricot, and almond are all quite similar in morpohlogy.  There are many other organisms in the genus of Prunus, which are not as closely related to the almond, such as cherries and nectarines, but are still in their genus.  The fruit of cherries and nectarines are not as similar to the almonds as peaches. 

Almond in Shell.

The closest related organism to the almond is the peach.  Other organisms  related to Prunus dulcis are Raspberries (in family Rosaceae), Sunflowers ( in class Magnoliopsida) , and even Dandelions (in class Magnoliopsida) which can grow in the same fields as the almond tree.
There are even more extensive and in depth lists of species that are related to Prunus dulcis

Where does the almond live?!