
Let’s take a look at the taxonomy of Campylobacter jejuni to see where it fits according to all other living organisms.  We’ll start at the most broad classification and get more and more specific as we move down the taxa.


Domain: BacteriaEvery branch of life on earth

Kingdom: Bacteria

Phylum: Proteobacteria


Order: Campylobacterales

Family: Campylobacteraceae

Genus: Campylobacter

Species: C. jejuni

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 Bacteria:  C. jejuni fits in the domain and kingdom of Bacteria because it has no membrane bound organelles (mitochondria and nucleus for example), is unicellular, has single circular chromosomes, reproduces through binary fission, and has peptidoglycan (check out the difference between gram-pos/neg) in its cell walls. 

                                                                                    notice the peptidoglycan differences Organisms belonging in this category are incredibly diverse, ranging from bacteria that eat flesh, decay teeth, and cause Lyme Disease to helpful bacteria that ripen cheese and help produce yogurt.  (Click on the bacteria to check out their page for more info)

Proteobacteria:  This is a group of gram-negative bacteria with an outer membrane composed of lipopolysaccharides.  It includes a wide range of pathogenic bacteria including E. coli, Plague, and Cholera.

Epsilonproteobacteria:  Most of known members of this class live inside the digestive tract of animals.  Some species such as Wolinella spp. in cows serve as helpful symbionts and some including Helicobacter pylori and C. jejuni are harmful pathogens.

Campylobacterales:  Species in this order are mostly microaerophilic, meaning they need oxygen to survive but need an environment that has lower levels of oxygen than that contained in the atmosphere.

 Campylobacteraceae:  A family of curved, s-shaped, or spiral rod bacteria who are capable of motion by means of a single polar flagellum at one or both ends of the cell

Campylobacter:  Bacteria that are found in this genus are characteristically corkscrew shaped and are the major causative agents behind gastroenteritis throughout the whole world.          

                        Wikimedia Commons                                                 C. jejuni:  Novel toxins and delivery systems distinguish this species.


         Where is C. jejuni found?  See Habitat

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