
 As herbivores, the Rhodesian giraffe is not a predator to other animals in the wild. It feeds mainly on leaves, shoots, and seeds. These giraffes do form relationships with other animals such zebras, antelopes, and ostriches. The Thornicroft giraffe can also become a guard to many animals due to its ability to see danger miles away. It is able to send off a shrill alarm to warn animals in the area that a predator is near (Bercovitch et al., 2010a).    
Rhodesian giraffes are commonly found in herds with up to 50 individuals. The closely-knitted groups are made up of females and their newborns. Males in the herds are often aggressive and feel threatened by surrounding males. Herd size is not a coincidence in the case of the Rhodesian giraffe. These animals tend to travel as a group to avoid predators suchs as lions, hyenas, leopards, and wild dogs (Bercovitch et al., 2010a). The main predator to a female giraffe and her young is the Panthera leo, or commonly known as the lion. Around half of giraffe calves can be killed each year. Once the giraffes reach maturity their chances of being killed decrease beacause of their height and strength (Tutchings et al., 2013).
One major interaction the Rhodesian giraffe has is with the Red Billed Oxpecker. This bird species climbs on the giraffes, picking off ticks and other parasites. This is a form of mutualism because the giraffe is benefitting by having parasites removed from it and the oxpecker is receiving food.


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