Contact Me

         This website was made Erin Mahr and Elizabeth Staveness as part of an Organismal Biology course instructed by Dr. Gregory Sandland and Dr. Meredith Thomsen.  The purpose of this site is to inform and interested audience about the Echinostoma revolutum, or Trematode Fluke.  If there are any questions pertaining to the organism/what was found on the site, feel free to contact us at the emails provided.

Elizabeth Staveness: Elizabeth is currently a Freshman at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse.  She is studying BioMedical Science/Pre-Physical Therapy with the goal being to go to graduate school to become a Physical Therapist. Elizabeth’s sections of the website were the Life Cycle/Reproduction page, the Interactions page, and the Interesting Facts page. Email:

          Erin Mahr: Erin is also a Freshman at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse. She is studying BioMedical Science with the intention to someday become a Physician’s Assistant. The sections that Erin did is Classification, Habitat and Geography, along with Form and Function. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her using the email below.   Email:


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