
Domain- Eukaryaa
 Used with permission by C. Frank Starmer

 The trematode fluke is part of the domain Eukarya.  This domain includes many of the organisms seen in everyday life.  The synapomorphy for this group is the membrane bound organeles which sets them apart from organisms like bacteria, which do not have membrane bound organelles.  Other organisms that are part of the Eukarya domain include: fish, crustaceans, plants/trees, and even mammals.

Kingdom- Anamalia
        The trematode fluke is part of the kingdom Anamalia.  This kingdom consists of organisms that are heterotrophic, usually do sexual reproduction, have at least one point in their life cycle that consists of a cell with a singlular flagellum and are also multicelluar.  Tihis includes many organisms that are commonly called animals including elephants, goats, and Fluffy the house cat.Paragonimus westermani-wikipedia

Phylum- Platyhelmenthes
        The trematode fluke is part of the phylum Platyhelmenthes.  This phylum is also known as the flatworms.  They have bilateral symmetry, are flat, and have no true gut or anus.  In this phylum you find organisms like the tiger flatworm, the Paragonimus westermani , and the lancet liver fluke.

Class- Trematoda

          The trematode fluke belongs to the class Trematoda.  This class consists of strictly parasitic organisms.  They have a special skin layer to live in the digestive tract of their hosts, they have feeding mouth like Liver Fluke-Wiki Commonsstructures, and they have many complex life cycle stages.  This class consists of organisms like  the liver fluke.

Order- Echinostomida
         The trematode fluke belongs to the order Echinostomida.  This is an order that consists of parasites that release their eggs through the feces of their host. 

Family- Echinostomatidae
         The trematode fluke belongs to the family Echinostomatidae.  Ths family includes organisms that have two to three hosts in its life cycle.

Genus- Echinostoma
        The trematode fluke belongs to the genus Echinostoma.  These organisms have three different hosts int their life cycle.  The host experiences echinostomiasis because of the consumption of raw meat. 
Species- revolutum
        The trematode fluke belongs to the species revolutum.  These organisms have thirty-seven distinct spines around its neck. 

 Echinostoma revolutum means trematode fluke.

Phylogenetic Tree of Echinostoma revolutum

Figure 1: Phylogenetic Tree of Platyhelminthes phylum that then leads to the Trematoda class which the Echinostoma revolutum belongs to.

Phylogenetic Tree of Echinostoma revolutum

Figure 2: Phylogenetic Tree of the classification the Echinostoma revolutum.

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