
            Columella simplex can be found in many different types of habitats.  Mainly, it resides in rock outcrop sites and upland forests.  In a study conducted in the areas surrounding the Great Lakes, snails were put into groups with other snails having similar climate preferences.  Columella simplex was found in rock outcrop sites such as Carbonate cliffs, Igneous cliffs, Algific talus slopes, Lakeshore carbonate ledges, Sandstone/quartzite cliffs, and Shale cliffs (Nekola, 2002).  These specific sites were located in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Ontario, New York, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.  Columella simplex was also found in sites in the upland forest group, very few were found in lowland forests and upland grasslands, and none were found in lowland grassland sites (Nekola, 2002).  It was concluded that Columella simplex, and the other snails it was grouped with, prefer duff soils in rock outcrops and upland forests (Nekola, 2002).

Columella simplex is often found in upland forests such as the one pictured above. 
Photo taken by Lucy Tyrrell for the United States Department of Agriculture.

            Columella simplex is also present in parts of Eastern Maine.  It was found in many sites that were tested in the area except for the wettest environments (Nekola, 2008).  This species was usually on vegetation up to one meter above ground in the north (Nekola, 2008).  While in the south, Columella simplex mainly occupied leaf litter (Nekola & Coles, 2010).  This species was also common in the Great Smokey Mountains, near the bases of hardwood trees such as poplar, black walnut, butternut, and oak (Dourson, 2006). 

            From this research, we are able to see that in southern regions of the U.S., Columella simplex stayed near the ground in leaves and at the bases of trees.  In the northern states, it seemed to be found slightly higher up on vegetation.  This information reflects on Columella simplex's nutrition and reproduction habits, which will be discussed on the following page.

