Gyraulus deflectus (Flexed Gyro)



G. deflectus lives in freshwater (NatureServe, 2011). It attaches to the plant life in lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other stagnant freshwater bodies (Montana Field Guide, 2011). It has a wide distribution in the USA and Canada.

Commonly found in:
     Alaska                         Pennsylvania               Prince Edward Island
  Connecticut                    South Carolina                     Quebec
     Idaho                          South Dakota                 Saskatchewan
     Illinois                            Virginia                        Yukon Territory
    Indiana                          Wisconsin                                           
     lowa                              Alberta
   Kentucky                       British Columbia                  List from
 Massachusetts                     Labrador                (NatureServe, 2011)
    Michigan                          Manitoba
    Missouri                        New Brunswick    
    Montana                   New Foundland Island
    Nebraska                   Northwest Territories
    New York                        Nova Scotia
  North Carolina                      Nunavut
        Ohio                             Ontario

The dots represent where G. deflectus is commonly found. Please excuse the dots in South America and in Asia, these dots are in error, G. deflectus is only found in North America.


G.deflectus is tolerant to diverse habitats, many of which are protected the population of G. deflectus is presumed to be stable. It is not thought of as a threatened species (NatureServe, 2011).

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