Gyraulus deflectus (Flexed Gyro)



G. deflectus
use its radula to scrape its food off of rocks and other places where algae grows (Hickman, 2009). It also scrapes planktonic items off of substrates (Bouchet, 2011). Food is transported through the digestive tract; crop, gizzard, stomach, intestine, passing through a single nephridium (or kidney) and then it is expelled (Hickman, 2009).

G. deflectus
has modifications to prevent against becoming a host to parasites. An example of this adaptation is the inability of the cercariae of Alaria mercainae to pierce G. deflectus' mantle (Johnson, 1968). Resulting in its inability to use G. deflectus as an intermediate host (Johnson, 1968).

The text written by Hickman etc. states that the Pulmonates use a vascularized mantle which functions as a lung. The pneumostome, helps expel waste by forcing air or water out of the lung. G. deflectus has an open circulatory system (Hickman, 2009).

G. deflectus
does not compete much with organisms that live at higher inorganic concentrations in the water. It does not compete with organisms that live around it, because of its adaptations to the concentrations of the water. These adaptations place G. deflectus in a different niche. This means that G. deflectus does not have much competition where it is found (Pip, 1988).

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