
Campeloma decisum's
main mode of nutrition acquisition is the same as that of most of the other organisms in class Gastropoda: a radula. 

A radula is an organ that protrudes from the mouth, much like a tongue, and uses its odontophore muscles and teeth to heave forward and bring its food back into the mouth and up to the pharynx (Hickman et al., 2007).  However, the morphology of the radula of Campeloma decisum is somewhat different than most of the gastropods. 

The morphology of their radula has led scientists to believe that Campeloma decisum do not have the ability to filter feed (Dillon et al., 2006).  Campeloma decisum do not gain the beneficial nutrients from hard substrate (Van Appledorn et al. 2007).  They are, however, capable of grazing on soft sediments (Dillon et al., 2006).  Nevertheless, the source that gives Campeloma decisum the most nutrients is decaying animal flesh (Van Appledorn et al., 2007).  This decaying animal flesh that Campeloma decisum feed on is also known as carrion (Dillon et al., 2006).
Even though decaying material may not sound nutritious, it is loaded with the bacteria and fungus that aid in the decay of the material (Pearce).  These bacteria and fungus are the providing source of nutrients that Campeloma decisum need to prosper (Pearce).

While the nutritional aspects of Campeloma decisum are pretty simple concepts to grasp, prepare yourself for the reproduction complexities that lie on the next page.

Follow Campeloma to Reproduction to meet her overprotective Brother Architaenioglossa where he will tell you that Campeloma doesn't need other boys in her life.         

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