
    The specific nutrition requirements for Lobosboculum pustula is unfortunately not very well know. However, while some land snail species are herbivores feeding on organic material, living or dead plants, bark, and fungi, others are omnivores and carnivorous (Hottop, 2005; Nordsiek, 2012). Shelled land snails need calcium in their diet in order to build their own shell and the shell of their eggs which is made of calcium carbonate (Örstan, 2006). Calcium carbonate is usually acquired from organic material, calcium-rich soils, and even the shell of other snails (Örstan, 2006). For feeding, snails use a mouth structure called radula which is used for rasping and scraping off food (Hickman et al., 2009). A short video of the radula can be seen by visiting here.

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