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  • Burch, John. 1962. How to know the Eastern land snails. WM.C. Brown Company, Dubuque, Iowa, USA.

  • Hickman C. P. Jr., Roberts L.S, Keen S. L., Larson A., and Eisenhour D. J. 2009. 5th ed. Animal Diversity. McGraw-Hill, Boston, USA.

  • Hotopp Ken. 2005. Land Snail Ecology. Carnegie Museum of Natural History.                       <URL:>. Accessed 5 April 2012.

  • Hotopp Ken and Pearce Tim. 2006. Land Snail Ecology: Reproduction and Life history. <URL:>. Accessed 4 April. 2012. 

  • Hubricht, Leslie. 1985. The distribution of the native land mollusks of the Eastern United States. Fieldiana, Zoology, N. S., No. 24: 1-191, 523 maps.

  • Keeling, Patrick, Brian S. Leander, and Alastair Simpson. 2009. Eukaryotes. Eukaryota, Organisms with nucleated cells. The Tree of Life Web Project <URL:> Accessed 21 April. 2012.

  • Nordsieck Robert. 2011. Adaptations that made terrestrial life possible. The Living World of Molluscs <URL:>. Accessed 5 April 2012.

  • Nordsieck Robert. 2012. Reproduction. The Living World of Molluscs.  <URL:>. Accessed 5 April 2012.

  • Nordsieck Robert. 2012. What do snails eat? The Living World of Mollucs.       <URL:>. Accessed 5 April 2012.

  • Örstan, Aydin. 2006. Rearing Terrestrial Gastropoda. American Malacological Society. <URL:>

  • Pennington Timothy and Chia Fu-Shian. 1985. Gastropod Torsion: A Test of Garstang's Hypothesis. Department of Zoology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9.

  • Pilsbry, Henry. 1930. Anatomy and relationships of some American Helicidae and Polygyridae. Proceedings of the Academy of the Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

  • Pilsbry, Henry. 1940. Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico). Vol I, Part 2. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

  • Pennsylvanian Land Snails. 2012.  Land Snail Ecology: Diet and Behavior. Carnegie Museum of Natural History. <URL:>. Accessed 6 April 2012. 

  • Vera Fretter and Peake, J. 1979. Pulmonates. Academic Press Inc., London. Vol.2B:150pp.

  • Walker, Bryant. 1928. The terrestrial shell-bearing Mollusca of Alabama. Miscellaneous Publications of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. 18:1-180.

Additional Links:

Wisconsin Land Snails by Dr. Kathryn Perez

MultiopleOrganisms.Net University of Wisconsin La Crosse

Gallery of Lobosculum pustula by Mr. Bill Frank

The American Malacological Society

North American Land Snails  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Living World of Molluscs by Mr. Robert Nordsieck

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