Contact Me

Why hello there!!! My name is Noel Albiniak and I am a freshman at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse this year. I’m originally from Mukwonago, WI, down on the southeast end of the state, a great place I might add. I am studying for a Biomedical major and a minor in Spanish, as of right now. In the future I plan on attending Physician Assistant School once I finish my undergrad.

This web page is a project that was conducted as a percentage of my grade, in my Organismal Biology class this semester. The objectives of this assignment were to pick a local organism of the La Crosse region and gather or conduct research to put together a useful webpage, so others can gain some in sight and newfound respect for the specific species that was chosen. I had no real preference for Juniper, until I learned of its use in cooking, one of my favorite hobbies.

This was an interesting project in which I chose an organism that I knew very little about. I’ve done my best to gather a vast array of research, to learn more about Juniperus communis L.  However my know means whatsoever am I an expert. I would love to learn more about this wonderful plant, so you are very welcome to share anything that you have found or if you’ve noticed any mistakes on my page just let me know.


Thank You so much for taking time to get a glimpse at my web page!

I can be contacted at

And my fellow classmates web pages can be found at or


P.S.  A special Thank You to all who have helped me with this project, it is greatly appreciated!

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