Viened Octopus used with permission- Octopus using a coconut shell as protection used with permission-


  This is the page where you will find a few really interesting facts about these amazing creatures!

  If an octopus were to be injured by a predator, octopuses have the ability to grow back a new tentacle in just a matter of a few weeks, without any permanent damage (Softpedia 2007).

  An octopus has three hearts, two of the hearts function is to pump oxygenated blood through each of the two gills, and the third heart’s function is to pump the blood throughout the entire body (Onekind 2010).

 Camouflage is one of the octopus’s most useful tools for defense. It uses a network of pigment cells and specialized muscles in its skin to instantly match the colors of the surrounding environment, leaving predators clueless (Onekind 2010). Another organisms that uses camouflage effectivly as a defensive stategy is the Nothern Pike.

 Octopuses are considered one of the most intelligent invertebrates. Their brains contain roughly 500 million large neurons compared to a human brain which has about 1 billion small neurons. There is multiple accounts of octopuses having very efficient problem solving strategies, including opening a door and unscrewing lids from bottles (Softpedia 2007). Although Octopi are the most intelligent invertebrates, Dolphins surpass them when looking at all organsims.

 As discussed on the form and function page, the octopus is one of the only animals recognized for using a tool.

Octopi have a jaw in the shape of a beak and are able to penetrate thier prey (Onekind, 2010). Another organism that has a beak looking mouth part is the Parrotfish which is also found in the Habitat of the Veined Octopus.

Suprisingly, all species of octopus are considered venomous, but only the blue ringed octopus is dangerous to humans (Onekind 2010).


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