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     Allium sativum
makes its own foods just like other photosynthetic organisms. It uses the
 chlorophyll in its leaves to produce sugar, normally in the form of sucrose of glucose, and then
 will send them down to the roots. It transports the sugar down the stem through the phloem. The
 phloem actually pushes the sugar all the way down to the roots. Gravity assists in transport
 down, but is not the soul reason for the sugar going down the stem.
     Water is transport the opposite way the sugar is. Water is transported up from the roots, but
 really it is pulled up. The factors involved in pulling the water up to the leaves from the roots are
 transpiration, cohesion, adhesion and tension. These four factors all take place in the xylem and
 are strictly related to the movement of water.
     Now there are many organisms that retain nutrients and Allium sativum is not an exception.
 The bulb at the bottom of the stem contains excess nutrients that the plant has stored up. We
 know this to be the delicious garlic we eat in many dishes.
     The image to the left shows a field of Allium sativum. The stems and leaves are all visible in
 the field while the bulbs are not. A few of the bulbs have been pulled off and are visible in the


If you have any questions, comments, or found any errors, please email me at gallant.kirk@students.uwlax.edu.

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