Bearded Dragons

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Grenard, S. 1999. The bearded dragon: an owner's guide to a happy healthy pet. Howell book house:1-128.


Pope, C. 1956. The reptile world. Alfred a knopf:286.


Schaerlaeken, V., J. Meyers and A. Herrel. 2007. Modulation of prey capture kinematics and the role of lingual sensory feedback in the lizard Pogona vitticeps. Zoology May2007:127-138.


Tattersall, G. and R. Gerlach. 2005. Hypoxia progressively lowers thermal gaping thresholds in bearded dragons, pogona vitticeps. Journal of experimental biology Sep2005:3321-3330.


Witten, G. J. 1994. Taxonomy of pogona. Memoirs of the queensland museum vol37iss1:329-343.


Animal Diversity Web 2008.  <URL:>. Accessed 30 March 2008.  2008.  <URL:>. Accessed 30 March 2008.
