Clip Art -- FlyInteractions with other species and adaption

Horses can be infected by a large number of parasites.  The most common ones however are nematodes.  Another common one is bots (a species of Gasterophilus).  The bot flies buzz around the horses and lay their small yellow eggs on the horses, usuallyClip Art -- fly on the front legs.  The larvae are then hatched and ingested when the horse licks its legs.  Soon the bot reaches the horses stomach where they proceed to attach themselves to the lining.  To help combat this problem many others horse owners de-worm their horses a few times each year.  The most common way to do this is to inject into the horses mouth a paste from a syringe that enters the intestinal system of the horse and helps keep the parasite populations under control.  The wormers usually work for multiple species.  Click here to learn more about worming horses.  Some of the other parasites affecting horses are small strongyles, strongyloides, ascarids, pinworms, and tapeworms.

Horses in the wild are much more likely to be looked upon as prey animals than domestic horses.  A natural predator of the wild horses are wolves Click
here to learn more about wolves. Large cats also make horses Clip Art -- Wolftheir prey. Because of these carnivorous animals hunting them horses have adapted a very sensitive, built in alarm system.  They also have superior hearing which allows them to avoid dangerous circumstances.  Lightning fast reflexes are another trait for the equines.  Once they sense danger they are able to run in a very short amount of time to a safer place.  The nostrils on a horse are very large as well as their eyes, this enables them to see and smell danger from a ways a way.  

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