Phylogenetic Tree

This is my representation of the yellow mongoose's phylogeny.  It is based on morphology. It goes from the most general group right down to its specific species.

Phylogenetic Tree

http://whozoo.org/mammals/mammalianphylo.htm (mammalian phylogeny) 












WhoZoo (http://whozoo.org)

This is a mammalian phylogenetic tree based on cladistics, which leads to the carnivora one below it.  This representation bases everything off a dog/bear branch or a cat branch.  It says it is more closely related to a cat and branches off from there.


http://whozoo.org/mammals/Carnivores/carnivorephylogeny.htm (carnivora phylogeny)

 WhoZoo (http://whozoo.org)

Next, go find out where the yellow mongoose likes to live!