Chinook Salmon

Lake Michigan Sunset  Taken By:Jerek Obry




Domain:  Eukarya

Cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bounded organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts.

Kingdom: Animalia

Multi-cellular heterotrophs without cell walls that inhabit virtually every habitat.

Phylum:   Chordata

Exhibits: a notochord (skeletal rod), dorsal tubular nerve chord, pharyngeal pouches (gill slits), endostyle (gives rise to thyroid gland), and a post-anal tail.

Class:    Actinopterygii

Possess lepidotrichia or “fin rays”

Order:    Salmoniformes

Possess an adipose fin on dorsal rear, rounded scales, forked tail, and single row of teeth.  All spawn in freshwater.

Family:   Salmonidae

Possess an adipose fin on dorsal rear, rounded scales, forked tail, and single row of teeth.  All spawn in freshwater.

Genus:   Oncorhynchus

Pacific salmons and Pacific trouts.

onkos ("hook") and rynchos ("nose"),

Species:  tshawytscha

Chinook Salmon

tshawytscha (the common name for the species in Siberia and Alaska).


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