-The Chinook salmon is known by numerous names such as:
King Salmon, Columbia Salmon, Tyee Salmon, Black Salmon, Quinnat Salmon,
Spring Salmon, Winter Salmon, Chub Salmon, Hook Salmon, Blackmouth Salmon,
and Bill Salmon
-The world record Chinook caught by a sportsman weighed in at 97lbs 4oz.
-The world record Chinook was caught by a commercial boat and weighed 126
-Both of the previous records were caught in
-Salmon travel great distances (thousands of miles) over their life but will
always return back to their “birth stream” to spawn. (see
-Salmon are excellent jumpers, reaching heights equal to their body length
and more. (Watch)
-Chinook are the least common and the largest of all the Pacific salmon
(Oncorhynchus-genus)(see classification)