
Kiwifruit Halves - Photo by Simon A., used with permission deliciosa provides a very good source of nutrition for other organisms. This is why many animals, including humans, eat the fruit that is generated. It serves as food for many types of birds, mammals and insects. Kiwifruit is extremely rich in Vitamin C. In about 100 grams of fruit, there have been up to 420 milligrams of Vitamin C which is four times the amount an average adult person needs in one day!
A. deliciosa also provides some medicinal purposes for humans. The vines, roots and branches have been used as a diuretic, a fever reducer, and even a sedative. People have also used parts of the plant to treat rheumatoid arthralgia and even liver and esophagus cancers. 

Rootknot Nematode - Photo by William Wergin and Richard Sayre some organisms just eat the fruits of the vine, there are others that are pests and cause diseases. For example the vines are vulnerable to rootknot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) attacks where they cause cuts in the outside layer of the plant. The leaf roller (Ctenopseustis obliquana) also is a pest of the plant, eating holes in the skin. Another pest is thePassionvine Hopper - Photo borrowed with permission from the Brisbane Insects and Spiders Webpage passionvine hopper which sucks sap out of the vine and drips honeydew onto the fruits. This honeydew causes a mold to grow and ruins the fruit. Other disease causing organisms include the greedy scale insect which Greedy Scale Insect - Photo by Rosa Henderson the leaves and fruit, a small moth (Stathmopoda skellone) which also damages the fruit, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens which causes crown gall, a disease of the vine.
Climbing Vine of Kiwifruit - Photo borrowed with permission from the Florida Plant Identification Website
However, kiwifruit does not only get used, it also uses other organisms. Because it is a climbing vine, it must find sturdy support structures to twine up. In nature, it typically relies on other plants, like trees or shrubs.
It also uses insects, mainly honeybees, to help with reproduction. Kiwifruit relies on its relationship with insects to transfer pollen from plant to plant, as described on

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