
So what does the morel mushroom interact with?

KimCarpenter NJ
Morel mushrooms are often found in forested areas around dead elm trees, Sycamore, apple trees, under wood scraps and Ash trees. They are found around these areas because of their interactions with the roots of trees. With the use of the morel's mycorrhizae (which means fungus root), the morel creates an ectomycorrhizae and because of this, morels have a mutualistic symbiosis with the roots of these trees. (which was explained in nutrition). This mutualistic relationship means that both the host and fungi benefit. The fungi and the host exchange nutrients between the mycelium of the fungi and the roots of the tree.

Morels also interact with organisms of the animalia. When the time comes around for morels to begin "popping", not only do humans hunt them, many other animals do as well. A couple of examples are the (mule) deer, Elk and grey squirrel. These three animals are only a few of which love eating morel mushrooms, but when morel season comes around these animals along with humans all "race" in order to be the first to get their hands (or mouth) on this nutritious and great tasting mushroom. In the food web, the morel mushroom is at the bottom in the sense of "preying" on other organisms. Yes, it does "feed" off nutrients/decomposing objects in the area, but it is still at the lowest level.
lupita.alaDominic's picsjans canon

Are morels sustainable?
Since humans and other organisms alike use morel mushrooms as a food source, it is very important for morels to be sustainable. Now morels are a special treat for other organisms, but they are still important and could cause some problems if they ever went endangered or extinct. To stay sustainanble, morels have adapted to be able to use their sclerotium to protect themselves underground during harsh conditions. As long as the areas morels grow in doesn't get dug up or built over, they should continuously grow in those areas. The chance for every area being destroyed is currently possible, but unlikely at this time. As long as people stay passionate about finding and eating morels, they should be sustainable for years to come.